Here is a small sample collection of some of the fabrics I can use.
Depending on what you would like altering and reworking with your suit and the desired finish you have in mind. Together we can go through what will work best for you.
-Natural material such as hemp, cotton and linen
-British Wool manufactured in Britain, the whole process from raw material to finished cloth is done in Britain
-Recycled/re-used natural and synthetic material
All new material used is natural and sourced with relavence to where it grows best with the lowest environmetal impact.
Sustainable Tailoring has a main focus of using hemp and other natural fibres, recycled textiles and clothing.
In terms of Silk there is an option of using Peace/Ahimsa Silk.
Hemp fabrics are a great sustainable and ethical natural fibre, using 10% of the water used to produce cotton.